Saturday, December 22, 2007

Karaoke and Chinese Food

Well, last night a bunch of the students and pretty much all the teachers and a few other Japanese people all got together and went out for Chinese food and drinks, and then off to Karaoke.. Anyways, I tried to keep the camera rolling, and managed to compress the entire experience into a 7 minute video. Please enjoy. PS - it was a blast!!!


Alyshells said...

Wow! definitely the best video yet! I got to hear that laugh I love so much. The people seem so nice there! What was that chopstick trick you did? lol Thats weird, I was expecting all the karaoke songs to be Japanese. But when my mom watches her Korean dramas theres always like, Britney Spears playing in the grocery store. I guess American music is popular everywhere.
BTW, did Mike drop off the face of the Earth or what?

Alyshells said...

Oh and P.S. That was a real snazzy video game place, they have beds there and everything? Kicks ass!