Well, it has been some time sinse my last post on here. This has not been because of any lack of events as in fact I have been very busy here lately between studying and a wide assortment of extra-curricular activities.
I have some goodies to share with everyone as even though I have not been using my camera a lot lately, Boris - my german room mate - has recently purchased a new Nikon camera that not only takes great pictures, but also has nice video (WITH AUDIO) features aswell.
*NOTE: During this sport they yell out the name of the body part which they are striking.
Next is another clip from the same place, but this time a couple of the students (Ben - an American, and Uncle Phil) decided to participate:
*NOTE to the left is Phil, and to the right you can see some guys practicing Kendo. After this warm up phase, the girls put on Kendo style armor (see the pic above) and actually wack each other with these big sticks. It was all very interesting.
On friday night after school, we had a Takoyaki party at GenkiJACS. Takoyaki is basically Octapus Balls (not really, but really). Anyways, it is a type of seafood that was surprisingly very good. Alot of foreigners don`t like Takoyaki but I am getting used to everything tasting like the ocean here (it doesn`t all taste like the ocean, but alot of it does). I really liked Takoyaki, but we also cooked and ate Okonomiyaki- Oh-Koh-NO-MEE-Yah-Kee - basically a type of pancake/omelette thing that has veggies and sometimes seafood in it. Okonomiyaki is actually my favorite Japanese food right now.
Yuuji-sensei cooks Takoyaki
Phil and Me enjoy some grub...
Anyways, things have been very fun lately and I actually look forward to going to school tommorow! Well, until next time..
- Timo
well the food sure looks good from what i can see of it...and having all them lovely women around, why would you ever want to leave (wink wink nudge nudge) and how is it pronounced again Fuk u oka...I don't know? It sure feels like i'm saying a bad word hehehe!
Very interesting stuff! I like how patient the women were with teaching the gaijin. Very cool. The food looks great too.
Miss ya Timo.
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