Thursday, December 20, 2007

Timo Registers

Well, I have officially registered at the foreigner registration office of my ward - something that all foreigners holding a visa are required to do within 90 days of arriving. This essentially *activates* your visa and makes you officially considered an immigrant.

Anyways, now I can do a few things I could not do before such as buy my own Cell Phone (Though it will have to be pre-paid as the regular ones usually come with a lengthy contract that I will not be able to fulfill.)
I can also look for a job, which is something I am going to start doing shortly after the new year as my money supply continues to dwindle away.

I want to quickly digress from this topic for a second and share some culture-shock with everyone. For starters, most of the cars here (and taxis of course) have car-navigation(GPS). Also, taxi-cab doors automatically open and close by themselves as the driver can open the door for you by simply pressing a button. Sometimes at bus stations, train stations and other places with many Taxis waiting for patrons, to spite the automatic doors there is someone dressed like a bell-boy that places their hand over the handle of the door and ACTS like they are opening the door for you and also like they are closing it for you and simply says thank you to you for boarding the taxi.
Akemi told me before that when she was in Windsor she once sat in a taxi and waited for the door to close by itself until eventually the driver snapped at her `Hey lady, close the door its cold outside`.

Anyways, there is no video to post today. But I do plan on continuing my video series...
Mata ne - Timo

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