Sunday, November 11, 2007

Well, just wanted to post a quick update because I woke up extra early this morning for some reason. Yesterday was another adventure of Lost in Tokyo... This city is so big, yet, its actually pretty easy to navigate on the macro level once you get a feeling for where all of the different boroughs are located relative to each other. The subway system here, although massive with something like 18 different subway lines (compared to Toronto's 4), are extremely convenient and easy to navigate - esspecially if you speak Japanese.
Yesterday it pretty much rained all morning and most of the afternoon and on and off all evening too.. Tokyo becomes this picturesq scene of crowds of busy people walking, almost all of them with the exact same type of completely transparent plastic umbrellas over their heads.
Anyways, today's itinerary is basically, I'm going down to Yokohama (a city in the Tokyo area of about 3 million people).
This is the first time aside from my first day here where I've travelled so far away on my own so I'll be practicing extra dilligence. Luckly, all of the areas I have to pass through or transfer at are very safe areas of Tokyo. Still, it could be scarey to get lost by myself, but I have a few friend's cell phone numbers on hand if needed.
Well, I'll post again later on.. I should come back with lots of pictures too!
PS - I went to Akihabara last night, its basically the electronics / anime / computer / managa / video game heaven.. Complete with Maid Cafes, which are basically coffee shops where cute girls dressed in Lolita maid costumes serve you and pretend that you're their goshuujin sama (meaning "master" in this context).. It's a little weird but I'm curious to experience it though a little embarrassed as it might be considered slightly hentai (perverted). I'll make a full Akihabara post after I return with my camera in hand.

Anyways, I'm off to eat breakfast. ja mata


Alyshells said...

Ooo Timmy's going to a naughty bar, your suaveness will get you all the laydays. I'm so excited for you the city looks HUGE!

Shaye said...

I'm eagerly awaiting your next post! Good luck in your journeys!