Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ようこそ // Welcome!

Please, enjoy this video (I didn't make it, but it gets me excited!)

As my first post in my new blog, I'd like to take a moment to express my thanks to everyone who's helped me move forward and closer to realising my dream. First and foremost, my mother who has been supportive and encouraging as I prepare to undertake one of the biggest adventures of my life... and to all of my friends who've been there to keep me going. As a memento of my first post in this blog, I would like to outline my goals

  • Fluency in Japanese Language, learning more and more each day!
  • Immersion in the exotic culture of Japan.
  • Making lots of friends along the way.
    and most importantly...
  • Making memories!

As of right now, I'm still in my home in Canada. I study Japanese on my own time, sometimes with the help of my dear Japanese friends (こんにちは、田口さん、ゆかりさん、宜しくね). I'm still months away from my departure, but I want to start the story here, at home where it begins.
I'm anxious for the future to unfold and an adventure in a far-off land to unravel before my feet.



Shaye said...

That video is amazing! It even got ME excited! You are so inspiring, Tim. You are working for your goal and are so passionate about it! You will have an unbelievable time in Japan; this is a chance of a lifetime and you have worked so hard to get it!

Ganbatte Tim-kun! <3

Timothy said...

Thanks Shaye!!! <333 You're the best!

Denise said...

To my dear Nephew Tim,

I am so proud of you! I cannot believe you are only 80 days away from your departure. When I first read your entries last week I wrote out a long response, only to find out I was not signed up to send it. I took photo's of what I wrote and plan on re-writing it for you at a later date. In the meantime, know that I am thinking of you as you continue to put your plans together and cheering for you all the way.


LOTS of love,
Aunt Denise xxxxx000000

norm leroux said...

Hey Tim, an old second cousin here, just to let you know " the Timmins family is rooting for you" ...we wish you a lifetime of learning in the next 6 months...may you be enriched by the yin and yang of the region....Norm Leroux