Saturday, December 15, 2007

Comming soon...

Well, I have given in and bought something that puts me a little over my budget but I think it will be well worth it, and my mom talked about giving me a little bit of money for Christmas and this was the perfect present for myself. What did I buy? A brand new Camera, this one records video with sound, has a VERY nice display, and supports my existing 1GB XD Memory chip. And it only cost 24,800... yen that is..

I haven`t used it yet, but I plan on posting many videos here so stay tuned.

Otherwise, I have not posted on here in a week because not alot has happened that is noteworthy. The vacation type feeling has worn off almost completely as I become more and more integrated into life in this country and begin to really feel like I live here. I mostly keep very busy with school and studying, and might I add my Japanese is improving noticeably to the point where sometimes I talk too quickly instead of too slowly in Japanese. By nature I am a fast talking person so it seems to have carried over to Japanese aswell.

Tommorow I will be moving out of my homestay residents and into a Dormitory in a different part of Fukuoka. I am looking forward to it as I will have alot of opportunity to meet Japanese people of my age there.

Last night we had a very enjoyable Christmas party at the school. Some of the teachers drank too much (I wont name names) and so did some of the students (you know who you are). I only had one drink though, but the party was very fun. Also a noteworthy occurrence last night was the final farewell of my only classmate Allan, as it was his last week at GenkiJACS. So, unless we get any other new level3 students, I think I will be having 1-on-1 lessons for the next while.

Anyways, I have some great ideas for videos to make and things to show everyone with my new Camera, so please check back soon to see what I have in store.
Mata ne,
- Timo

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